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A member registered Sep 17, 2018

Recent community posts

No worries, I'm just want to know that once I put in my address it will be sent.

This looks amazing! I've never gotten a physical copy of something off of Itch, is there a way to track its progress?

Is there a way to rewatch sex scenesthat involve the tonwspeople? if so, how?

How do I it extract it on mac?

Once I finish .27 and get .33, how do i keep my progress?

how would I do that?

So, I finished the the game on an earlier version, is it possible to add an update without losing my progress?

Is there a way to review scenes ingame?

Thank you.

(3 edits)

How do I view the Gallery? I keep unlocking scenes but idk how to view them again. Also how the hell do i get small logs?

Including quests 1 and 2?

How do I access the christmas and halloween events as well as quests 1 and 2? I think I skipped them and now I'm at the end.